A New Year Without a Fresh Start

A New Year Without a Fresh Start

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog – last October to be exact. I didn’t intend to go radio silent, but I’ll be honest and admit it’s been a dark few months, literally (it’s winter – short days) and figuratively (the emotional and 

Transitioning Treatments

Transitioning Treatments

I saw my doctor yesterday for the first time since my last chemotherapy treatment 4 weeks ago. As I discussed in my last blog with health updates, the platinum-based chemotherapy drug that I’ve been on has killed enough cancer to try to transition me to 

Health & Advocacy Updates Here! Read all about it!

Health & Advocacy Updates Here! Read all about it!

  Dealing with my health is thankfully not all that I’ve done in the last few weeks. I’ve also participated in several Breast Cancer-advocacy events. Specifically:   I’ve attended and spoken at the American Cancer Society Hope Gala in Sacramento. This is the “high-roller” gala 

That’s What Moms Are For!

That’s What Moms Are For!

In my last blog post, I shared that I was feeling a bit bummed about having a chemo treatment on my birthday. Well, my mother was not going to let a little chemo get in the way of celebrating. Unbeknownst to me, she organized a 

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” This advice was given to me as a principle for professional success at the Big 4 company I formerly worked for. In that context, it was referencing putting yourself our there for networking at events/conferences/trainings, accepting project roles that intimidate you, 

Off the Grid in Alaska

Off the Grid in Alaska

I’ve intentionally been a bit MIA for the last week-and-a-half-ish. Thankfully it was not for nefarious health reasons. So where have I been? Well, in *Alaska* for my first time with my Mom, close friend Joelle, and her family. Social media and the internet can 

Behind the Scenes at Sacramento Kings Dance Auditions

Behind the Scenes at Sacramento Kings Dance Auditions

Today I auditioned for the Sacramento Kings Dance Team (SKD) after a long hiatus as a professional dancer. Unfortunately, it did not go as well as I had hoped (meaning I did not make the cut). However, I’m still proud of myself for auditioning in the 

What I Stand For

What I Stand For

My participation in the Solano County Pageant was not only to bring a fun, new experience to my life, but primarily to have a platform for action and positive change on meaningful topics close to my heart. When you are wearing a sash and crown, people notice you and many 

Happy Belated Birthday America!

Happy Belated Birthday America!

Everyone loves the 4th of July! It’s America’s birthday – how can you not? 4th of July was extra exciting for me this year, as I was a participant in the Fairfield 4th of July Parade riding in a beautiful, bright red Corvette as Ms. Vacaville! 

Abusing Cause Marketing: First Pinkwashing and Now Greenwashing?! Oh My!

Abusing Cause Marketing: First Pinkwashing and Now Greenwashing?! Oh My!

Most people would nod their heads in agreement with me if I stated that marketing can be misleading and shouldn’t be trusted as a complete and accurate source of information. However, it’s easy to be lulled into a false sense of confidence in your newest purchase by the